Weeknotes — 2019 11 29
Week 10 — the much anticipated double digits edition…
It feels like it has been a really productive week, lots going on and the forthcoming Election and, dare I say it, Christmas have started to gain some more attention as well.
Had a catch up with my portfolio holder to go through where we are on the emerging strategy, budgets and changes to digital governance across the council. This gave me an opportunity to talk about some of the things that are likely to be included in the Digital Strategy and equally some of the things that will not be included. All landed well and we have a plan for the new year.
I then spent the entire afternoon working through budgets in one form or another with the team. Not the most exciting of afternoons but an essential use of time for me personally to understand the detail of the budgets and starting to review what we need going forwards. I think it was useful for the team as well as we have started to get more clarity about the budgets and how we can more proactively manage things moving forwards.
Spent the day with LOTI colleagues. It was a great session, particularly useful for me to ensure that I am caught up with the status and progress of the projects and how we are able to contribute to them moving forwards.
Afternoon session was with the Advisory Panel so there were a number of Chief Executives who were looking to ensure that the projects are genuinely going to deliver change to Londoners.
There is such an opportunity to make a difference here, one of the conversations we had on Tuesday was whether we were being bold enough with the projects and timescales. My personal view is that a number of the projects are going to set a very strong foundation for future projects and it is essential that we devote the time now to get it right for the future. It will certainly make a lot of what’s to come a lot easier.
We started the day with something different for Hounslow. A co-design session looking at some user needs and user journeys for the new staff portal (Intranet). I spent the whole session trying not to call it an Intranet as has too many negative connotations with the current ‘thing’.
The session had staff from across the Council and not just those based at Hounslow House. Everyone was very constructive and really threw themselves into thinking from other users viewpoints.
We started with some therapy about the existing site to ensure everyone got that off their chests… But then really started to think about what we need…and don’t need.
Have to say what started as a conversation about the Intranet soon navigated its way across a range of topics. Lots of the wish list we could do already with other systems as well.
One of the biggest themes coming out was how the new portal can assist with the culture of the organisation, actually bringing people and skills together.
In the afternoon we got the managers in IT together for a team meeting and went through some of the results of the staff and managers conference from the other month. Some excellent and honest discussions, the hard part starts now in turning these themes to specific actions. (And delivering them)
Spend the day working at home on a number of reports for the One Hounslow Board next week where we are proposing changes to the Governance of technology and digital. Also managed to get the email back down to a sensible number, I’m really not sure where suppliers get email addresses from or why they think a daily email is going to make anyone buy anything….
I’ve meant to say this a number of times but the journey into Hounslow on the train is lovely. Crossing the Thames at Chiswick and seeing the boats on the river at Brentford and Syon Lane always reminds me how nice it is to work in London. We had a really entertaining train manager this morning who put a smile on everyone’s face this morning. She was very enthusiastic about everything… Seats, stops, doors, passengers… Genius if only they could be that welcoming, entertaining and passionate every day.
Black Friday today, better start Christmas shopping…
Tune of the week —Lady Antebellum — Need You Now