6.31 — weeknotes — Jane McD— WLA — LOTI
Great but slower start to the week this week as went to see Jane McDonald on Sunday evening in Brighton — who was awesome — such an Icon! So, a Monday morning off whilst I eased myself into the week.
Tuesday in Hounslow House for the monthly update to CLT on the Digital Portfolio. Went through a range of projects and a number that are coming to close as well. Had a conversation around the housing programme making sure that I ensure everybody understands the next major milestones of this work so a bit of work to do here. Also, a bit of work to include some more financial info in the report and simplify things even more.
I have had several conversations around housing this week, there is so much work going on at this moment in time but teams across the council coming together to ensure that we are driving the change that is needed to deliver services.
Rest of the week at home but a packed week.
LOTI All Member workshop on Wednesday — so much going on here. Eddie went through a range of programmes and projects that we are working on. As always, some good conversations and questions and then a focus on how we can use digital to deliver savings given the financial landscape.
Whilst I was at the LGA conference the other week Eddie and the team came to Hounslow to have a day with my team too share all the good things going on and a bit of work around getting us all to think in different and innovative ways. I was genuinely gutted I couldn’t make it, looks like they had a good session.
I had to step away for some of the session on Wednesday as I am co-chairing the LGPN South conference next week in Heathrow so we went through the agenda. Going to be a great couple of days.
On Thursday had a good West London Alliance check in — well I thought it was good anyway. Once a month we have a West London Alliance informal check in with the 7 Directors of Digital for the West London Boroughs, and once a quarter we meet face to face, the next one of the in-person events is in January. We are really trying to coordinate efforts, knowledge and sharing information on a range of different topics to enable us to progress at pace and scale, in several different areas including AI, smart place and savings.
Finger update…. Because I know you are all interested….hmmm ok maybe not… Swelling slowing going down, scar healing well. Several exercises to strengthen the muscles and get some more movement back. Getting there…
Tune of the week — only one choice this week really: Jane McDonald Live in Concert