6.13 — weeknotes — 180! — Election fever — Leader Updates — Flood Prevention

Mark Lumley
3 min readApr 19, 2024


This is the 180th weeknote I have done — can you believe that? I certainly can’t — hope they continue to be mildly useful / interesting — they certainly are for me…

In the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week so a bit of a crazy one. Didn’t stay over so had all the fun of the trains. Proper spring weather this week, bright sunshine one moment and April showers the next — lovely. But at least a bit of sunshine so not complaining.

Started the week off at home which was needed to ease myself into the week, and I’ve agreed to finalise my Level 7 work this week so needed some time for a bit of a final push. Over the week have managed to nearly pull the final things together and enable me to progress to the next phase — amazing what a focussed deadline can do for my mind!

Tuesday in the office for Senior Leadership Team where we were a lot of us in a small office — cosy and warm! I update colleagues on where we are with some of the Resilience work the team has been doing as well as the Information Governance programme that is going to result in a number of significant improvements in the area.

Wednesday — Updated the Leader with colleagues on the progress of TCE and the next steps as well as gave a brief demo of some of the functionality of the system. Also had the Digital Member’s Board in the evening and gave members an update of the portfolio, cyber and a demo of the new planning system. They say never work with children, animals or live IT systems — but all went well.

Couple of meetings about end of the financial year too, which is always a challenge. The capital and revenue funding for IT and the projects is complex and there are always a couple of things that doesn’t quite look right that needs some deep dive work to get sorted. We always get there in the end.

Thursday — Election fever has started and attended some train the trainer training for the count that then I have to deliver a couple of times next week. So really paid attention…. I genuinely like the election count — democracy in action. And another update with the Leader on Cyber security and Resilience — and the newest bit of my role — flood prevention! It’s the part I am starting to turn more attention to and need to get to grips but am enjoying — going to get me out and about in the Borough!

Finally made it to Friday and a short day as on Annual Leave in the afternoon but had the South East and London Socitm meeting. We are reinvigorating these and was a great session with some great ideas!

Tune of the week: Galantis & Dolly Parton — Faith feat. Mr. Probz [Official Music Video]



Mark Lumley
Mark Lumley

Written by Mark Lumley

Director of Digital & IT for the London Borough of Hounslow

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