5.24 — weeknotes — jetlag — interviews and Socitm ‘stuff’
No weeknotes last week, sorry about that. Bit of post Kansas recovery and jetlag and a very hectic week meant that by the time I reached Friday I didn’t have any words left in me!
So to play a bit of catch up over the last couple of weeks.
It was back in at the deep end on Tuesday! An update to SLT on the work we are doing with Hounslow House specifically through our Transforming the Community Experience work for the ground floor and how we want it to be a vibrant place for our community. Also some enhancements to the colleague floors to make it a truly collaborative workplace. Some good questions and feedback and onto CLT next week for further discussion and agreement (hopefully).
Last week was a week of interviews but not for Digital & IT. I helped as a Technical Advisor for the CTO role for London Borough of Enfield and I also helped out Housing colleagues in Hounslow with some interviews. So over the course of 2 days I assisted in 11 interviews! Was really good to be part of the process and help out and you always take away things to think about!
This week was birthday week (part of birthday month!) — so was full of cake for the majority! Celebrated my birthday with some mandatory finance revenue training! Also a trip to the open air theatre at Regents Park to watch La Cage au Folle s— was excellent!!!
Monday evening was a Member development session on all the work we have been doing on Digital Inclusion across the Borough. So real inroads made in devices, connectivity and skills. We also started to make Members aware of the Telephony switch off as well as part of the copper to fibre work in the UK — some great questions and engagement and we will further this through some of the area forums in the future. No Digital session is complete without some words on Cyber and the team did a great job and setting the context, the risks and reminding all of their role.
From a Socitm viewpoint it has been busy, we had this week, the regular President Team and Management Team meeting looking at some of the day to day and up and coming work with Socitm. Immediately after that we had the new Trustee Board meeting -which I chaired! There was a huge amount of business to get through as we continue the journey to gain charity status. We overran a bit but managed to get through all the different elements with some real meaningful discussion and challenge. It was someone’s best meeting talking about governance that they have ever been in! I’ll take that!
We had one of the first of the planning meetings for Presidents Conference as well which was an interesting meeting. I really want us to build on the awesomeness of the conference in Brighton this year and really ensure we think about making the most of the time for our Members so that it really is meaningful! Bit of work and some thinking from President’s Team followed so getting some very creative ideas out there.
Friday was Partner day where we invite all potential and current Socitm partners to come together and hear what Socitm will be doing over the next year. It was a great session and sitting there listening to Dave, Nadira, Sam and Aidan and the President’s Team, I was really reminded just how much there is going on at the moment with Socitm. The ambition that we have as an organisation to drive change forwards is impressive — but done it a very pragmatic manner. Some great questions from the floor, as well as some great conversations over coffee and lunch. Wasn’t enough time to speak to everyone!!
Finally after about 2 months the sky box has been fixed, the engineer moved the dish to avoid the trees so hopefully won’t happen next year. I knew you would all be pleased!
Tune of the Week: “I Am What I Am” | La Cage Aux Folles revival Carl Mullaney performance