5.2 — weeknotes — hectic isn’t the word…but good hectic…
It only struck me after I posted last week that this is season 5 of the weeknotes, where has that time gone. I started them more formally when I started at Hounslow and whilst not always been week notes they have been regular notes — and this note is number 136. I continue to find them really useful to reflect and celebrate the week — hope others find them at least vaugely interesting…
In the office three times this week for a number of different reasons and still really enjoying it — although some train disruption really didn’t make the journey home on Monday very pleasant. Although the journey in was beautiful as the frost really stuck to the trees so was very picture postcard.
Trying to get back into the swing of being healthy as well over the last couple of weeks, failing at first but starting to get there. Even managed a run — sporting my new high vis clothing — was no missing me!
Last week was a hectic week for the team with a number of systems going live, upgraded or changing. This made the video that I do each week for the team, a bumper thank you video. But not from me, from the many emails we received from colleagues across the council telling me how grateful they are for various teams and individuals. Just amazing to receive. Really makes me appreciate the impact we have into the organisation and the community.
On the flip side there are a number of areas at the moment needing an extra bit of attention to get into the right place. Really important that we get these things moving in the right way. Doing a bit of resetting and aligning on a number of the big areas to ensure it is right for where we are now. Positive to do but definitely needs the extra leg work and thinking!
It really is hectic at the moment, lots of projects and programmes and ‘stuff’ coming together. So really needing to drive things forwards, so I keep describing things as hectic, but good hectic — which seems to describe it well I think!
The MS issue on Wednesday with Outlook and Teams not working was a headache that we could all have done without. Impact was relatively minimal but it rumbled on throughout the day a bit. The impact of these things is substantial when it goes wrong!
Tune of the Week: The detailed driven amongst you would have noticed that I failed to write down the tune of the week last week, very much Sound of Silence! This is a TUNE! Joy Anonymous — Joy (God Only Knows) [Official Visualiser]