4.27 — MEGA Weeknotes — bit of a time warp over the last couple of months…

Mark Lumley
5 min readOct 28, 2022


Hello! Been a while since I have done one of these ‘week’ notes — not even month notes at the moment, although I am OK with that as a lot of the reason for not doing them has been because of annual leave — which has been lovely! So here we are — MEGA WEEKNOTES, trying to cover the last two months and this will also be the 130th weeknote that I have published — where does the time go!!!

Firstly, at the end of September, I had my year 3 anniversary at Hounslow. It doesn’t feel that long and there is a difference between pre and post Covid. Feels like I’ve done 6 months, then COVID happened. But what a 3 years it has been and how much things have changed in that time.

Culturally the Council and the team feels different, a lot of work has taken place on our values and we genuinely are living and breathing them. But there is so much more that we want to achieve, and so much going on at the moment contributing to this.

The world of work has certainly changed. I was in 3 days last week and 1 in London and I really needed the day at home to catch up on Friday. This week, I was only in 1 day, next week, everyday. But the building is still quiet at times, although the numbers of increasing. I think we are all taking time to get used to this new ways of working and realising that we do need to have people around us to bounce off and have a lemonade or coffee with. Our World of Work programme is continuing to monitor and drive the change around the organisation.

The Queen

I know this is old news now, but I just wanted to comment. Was so sad when we had the news that the queen had passed, she had been part of everyone’s lives for so long. The next ten days were all a bit crazy, nationally, watching all the various elements come together — the truly historical moments, including the Proclamation, the laying in state and the actual funeral itself — all amazing and something that the UK does so well.

It was also another great example of Local Government springing into action. Operation London Bridge had been in place for years and everyone knew what was needed to be done, and when. But it was such a massive undertaking from the very moment that her passing was announced. For Hounslow particularly, the funeral route passed through the borough on the way to Windsor, almost end to end in the borough. This means that a massive operation to clean, secure and support the route leapt into action.

Socitm Ethics Conference

Last week we had our Socitm share National event for my policy theme, Ethical, responsible and secure use of technology and data. I wanted the day to be very practical for our members and ensure that they had lots to take home. It was an amazing event, such fantastic speakers thanks to Rehana and Yogita for opening the day.

It was a mix of presentations, workshops and panel sessions as well as some great opportunity to network over a coffee. Starting to think about my year of being the President next year and starting to think about the President’s Conference which already has a date — 13th and 14th June 2023 in Brighton — so it’s getting real now!

Digital Strategy

On the 18 October the updated Digital Strategy went to cabinet alongside our new Digital Inclusion Commitment. Very pleased to say that both were approved. We take an annual report and an updated strategy to cabinet on an annual basis. The strategy this year aligns the work to the new corporate plan and ambitions.

The new Digital Inclusion Commitment is at the front and centre of the work we are doing. Ensuring that we don’t leave anyone behind when it comes to digital. There is a great example of the work we have been doing with this press release this week.


Finally after what seems like many many years we have started to have face to face Hounslow Leadership Group sessions — was great for the top floor of Hounslow House to be full of colleagues — a mixture presentations, workshops, talking and coffee — was brilliant.

Leisure Centres

A couple of weeks ago we finally, after over a year, celebrated in getting the last of the Leisure Centres in Hounslow on the new network. To say this has been a challenge is an understatement, if it could have gone wrong or been delayed for whatever reason it was. Wayleave / Planning / Blockages — we had it all.

But it was great to bring the digital and leisure teams together for an hour or so one afternoon to pause, celebrate the success and think about what this all enables in delivering leisure services to our residents.

Digital Festival

We have done this for the last couple of years and it is back for a third year. A real opportunity to celebrate all things digital, find out what we are doing, a real focus on learning and development this year as well.

After all this it feels like I am going to need another holiday soon. :-) Will try and get back into the habit of doing these weekly!

Tune of the week: Like it wasn’t obvious from the title (and the time of the year..): Rocky Horror Time Warp



Mark Lumley
Mark Lumley

Written by Mark Lumley

Director of Digital & IT for the London Borough of Hounslow

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