4.14 — weeknotes — 3 days in Hounslow House this week
Well another change in the weather to start the week with a very wet Monday but got better as the week went on… Spring almost here, its trying hard to at least!
I spent three days in Hounslow this week and as I have started to make the most of being in the borough and stayed over for two evenings. Was really nice to be in the office for such a chunk of time, not done that since before the pandemic — actually started to feel normal. The run at 0730 on Wednesday didn’t feel normal though…
On Tuesday we had our regular Live Q&A with the Chief Exec and Assistant Chief Exec — this is usually a teams meeting with everyone, a bit of a presentation and discussion then lots of questions in the chat. This time we went for something slightly different. The CEX and others were on a Sofa on the top floor of Hounslow House in a One Show style sofa and discussion, and muggins here wandered around the building as a roving reporter, showing colleagues some of the new things in Hounslow House and some interviews with colleagues as well.
Was a bit stressful at times and I am not sure whether being compared to Cheggers is a compliment or not at the moment. But was really good to do something different to keep these things fresh! We had some really positive feedback about how we ran the session which was good to receive. Trying to think about different ways of doing things and keeping colleagues interested and up to date.
Wednesday was my monthly day in the building with my management team. Is always really good to come together to chat about the topics of the day. At this time of year after we get through the closing of the budgets, thinking turns to the next financial year and the delivery of the next year of the Digital Strategy and One Hounslow work. This being an election year there is even more to think about. Great day! And lunch at the Hounslow Market Place is always good!
Thursday some of us came together to get our heads around the work that Socitm did with us for the data strategy. So much was produced across so many areas that it was difficult to get a grip on things and we zoomed in and out several times before we really got to grips with what we needed to do. We emerged with a plan, the next steps and stuff to do! So whilst it felt a bit too big to start with we managed to get us to a really good place!
Tune of the week: Given that I was in the working 9 to 5 in HH this week — this seems fitting (and something I saw on twitter this week — so also, wrong….)