4.11 — weeknotes — One Hounslow Colleague Expo — back with real purpose
Both a challenging and rewarding week this week, for a number of reasons, partly the amount going on and things not working the way they should, but really productive, a real change in getting a range of things moving forwards and the Colleague Expo — seeing real people!
Monday was our One Hounslow Colleague Expo– a chance for colleagues to get together in Hounslow House, in some cases for the first time in 2 years. We had two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon — where colleagues were able to listen to the Leader, Deputy Leader and the Chief Executive speaking about the achievements over the past couple of years and an opportunity to say ‘thank you’. The LGC Council of the Year trophy was in pride of place — and many a team picture and selfie was taken with it!
Around the edge of the room were the same stands that we used to present our achievements to the judges of the awards back in the summer. But this was an opportunity for colleagues to visit the stands and find out information about a range of topics including Community Solutions, Digital Inclusion and Regeneration. We also had a number of stands showcasing the support that is available across the council including: Staff Networks, Learning and Development and Digital Genius Bar (as well as many others). Was also nice to have Sam from LOTI coming in to the building to see what we have going on — lots of discussions and connections made!
Was really good to see people from the team who I haven’t seen face to face for 2 years — nice to catch up and was lovely to see a real buzz across the building. We even had some face to face meetings — all in the same room. We do it all again next Monday!
Given I was in on the Tuesday as well for CLT, I decided to stay overnight in Hounslow to make it a bit easier — was actually really nice to avoid some commuting. On Monday evening to get a bit of exercise I had a run around Lampton Park which was lovely — nice to get out and about — managed 4.5k!
Tuesday I was in bright and early thanks to the 2 minute commute to work from the Travel Lodge — lovely. I was attending CLT for an update on the Digital Strategy programme of work. We are continuing to align and integrate into the One Hounslow programme of work and there are a range of activities here that we are working on.
There continues to be a good understanding of the Digital work and progress being made in all the projects. More connections across the projects and some amendments needed to the roadmap needed. Later in the week we had a really good meeting of the project board for our digital community experience work which is also gathering some momentum.
A couple of issues on the network have been going on for two long, so has been a real focus this week to try and get progress and resolved. Slow and steady progress but not quick enough really — very frustrating for those impacted and those in digital trying to get things sorted.
Also this week was our monthly Hounslow Leadership Group session. I can’t believe this one has come around so quickly, just no idea where the time is going! It was a great session on the opportunities that the council is leading on, and involved in, for creating work experience and employment opportunities for young people. We also heard from a young person who has been with the organisation as part of one of the programmes but has now got permanent employment with us — really humbling and inspirational.
Approaching end of financial year so the usual fun and games with ensuring that the forecasts are right, spend is in the right place and project spend all in the right place.
Tune of the week: Does sum up the week this week. OMC — How Bizarre (Official Music Video)