3.13 — weeknotes — a trip to Hounslow House to see actual real people and a much needed 4 day week

Mark Lumley
4 min readApr 1, 2021


Hottest day of the year so far on Tuesday and I spent the day in the office for the first time since October — rubbish timing, and worse that that it was in a room with no windows. It was a big week this week as we start to come out of lockdown. Monday saw the rule of 6 reintroduced and we were able to meet outside again. A big step forwards certainly and felt like a bit of hope in the future.

I was at Hounslow House for two main reasons firstly to support the Council meeting live streaming in the evening and secondly to have a look at some of the changes in Hounslow House that we are proposing as part of the World of Work programme for the future.

It was nice to actually physically see people face to face (or rather mask to mask). Been nearly a year since I’d seen some of them. Rather odd but really nice to see colleagues.

In preparation of going into Hounslow House on Tuesday I booked a lateral flow covid test. This was the first time that I had done this and have to say the process was so streamlined and easy. Booked online — took the test at the chemist at the bottom of the road. Really simple and painless and the results texted back to me within 30 mins. Negative I am pleased to say. Although not surprised given that I haven’t done anything or gone anywhere for months!

We had a good walk around Hounslow House after work on Tuesday to look at the new pilot area we have for the collaboration space — a simple change by taking out the fixed desks and screens to some softer seats and more collaborative space. Looks good but a bit of work to do across the building to get it to a place where it meets the ambitions of the new world of work.

Spent a lot of time this week just attending some of the Team meetings that the various teams of Digital and IT have. It was clear to me a few weeks ago that there were a number of people across the team that I hadn’t really seen for many many months, so I got myself invited to all the team meetings. It has been really good to see a number of colleagues not seen for a while and, if I am honest a few that I met for the first time. Was great to check in and see how people are doing, hear about the work that is going on and was also an opportunity for colleagues to ask me anything as well! Some great questions and queries and a number of things for me to go away and think about how I may be able to help teams work better across the council.

We had a really good meeting with Hounslow Highways on Wednesday with colleagues who have been working on looking at the role the council can provide on improving internet/mobile connectivity in the borough as well as looking at the opportunities for smart city initiatives. It was a great conversation and whilst there is a lot already going on there are a number of really exciting opportunities that we may be able to work together on in the future. Off to think about how we may bring some of this together.

Had another great session with UK Authority on Wednesday evening on the topic of the problems ahead for Digital transformation. I always really enjoy these conversations, so good to see colleagues from across the country and share the challenges and opportunities. I always learn something from them!

Retained the morning commute to work walk this week as well which is great and really does help. I didn’t manage it on Tuesday as I left the house early to get to Hounslow for 0830 — whilst it was great to get out I did miss the walk around the block.

Ready for a long weekend! Have a good Easter break!

Tune of the Week (suggested to me by Sophie from Deep Secure): Lenny Kravitz — Fly Away



Mark Lumley
Mark Lumley

Written by Mark Lumley

Director of Digital & IT for the London Borough of Hounslow

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