3.04 -weeknotes — the busiest Thursday ever!

Mark Lumley
4 min readJan 29, 2021


Been a really long week this week it has felt, keeping everything going and ensuring that we move stuff forwards. But we have got to the end of January, one of the toughest months usually but obviously more so this year. So what’s been going on…

Tuesday was the second of the Integrated Care Partnership Digital workstream meetings — where we are trying to kick start a number of projects. With everything else going on I haven’t been able to give this the attention it needed so if I am honest I was a bit worried about the meeting. Brining together health colleagues from across NW London to talk about a number of projects — when I don’t know the individuals that well is a challenge. BUT it was a really good meeting — the 6 projects were discussed in a lot of detail and the task now is to pull the various strands and projects together to move it all forwards. Really enjoyed the meeting actually — a real stretch outside the comfort zone as well.

Wednesday — we had a leadership session with managers from the Finance and Resources Directorate on Wednesday, this was a really good opportunity to get to see managers from across the wider team, was nice to meet a few new people as well. It was run by PWC who facilitated the session. Was really good to do some reflection across the teams on what we have achieved over the last 6 months or so and just how tough it is at the moment juggling everything we need to do. One of the things we did was to draw our leadership pizza! What we think the most important traits are of a good leader in a virtual world.

Was great to hear views from the others as well, not sure there is much of a difference between the ‘real’ and virtual world to be honest. Photo of mine here. I think for me personal resilience is a big part of a good leader! But humour and a passion for what you are doing has to be up there as well!

Thursday was a rather hectic day — lots going on and apparently all on the same day but great to squeeze so much in in one day. I was really pleased that we had a Digital & IT virtual get together in the evening which meant that we got to switch off and have a beer with colleagues.

Had another of our Hounslow Leadership Group sessions on Thursday. Was a bit of stress in the run up to the session as we didn’t get the slide deck finalised until about 15 minutes before we went live. Must improve for next time, but was another successful session. Main topic was around our internal communication approach for the council which was really good to spend time thinking about — especially important at times of working at home!

I then hotfooted it from HLG to the attend an RAF meeting — sounds super cool. But the actual meeting was even better, a chance to talk to our residents about some of the stuff we are doing as part of the digital strategy. The Residents Association Forum was a great forum to update on the strategy. Loads of great feedback and things for us to think about as we move it forwards.

Thursday then saw me being part of a live Q&A with the CEX and the Director of OD and HR to all staff on our Future World of Work programme. Have done a few of these now and they are very stressful, trying to think about what you are saying and keeping an eye on all the questions that are coming through is a challenge. More or less survived it which is good. Some good feedback and some more volunteers to help which is great. But definitely more we can do to improve these sessions.

Next week I am the Gold Duty Officer for the Council for the first time so was good to have a briefing from the emergency planning team, just in case I get that call!

I didn’t do another 10k this week, which I think I am pleased about to be honest, especially with the weather, I did get a couple of 5ks in which is good. I even had a co-runner for the first bit of one run…

My Mum received her covid vaccine this week which was really good news, nice to see that the processes and system is working. Felt nice to know that the end is perhaps that little bit closer…

Next week — I really do have to finalise a number of Chief Officer Decision documents to get some projects moving forwards — have blocked out some chunks of time to get it done!!!

Tune of the week: Continuing the mashups! Getting a bit obsessed perhaps!? (couldn’t decide which one either!) Torn & Hung Up (Mashup) — Ava Max & Madonna

Cher/Madonna Gimme Gimme/Hung Up Best Mashup by Alex Simpson



Mark Lumley
Mark Lumley

Written by Mark Lumley

Director of Digital & IT for the London Borough of Hounslow

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