2020 11 20 — Weeknotes
2.44 — top of the digital festival, sports day leader board (it won’t last)…
Week three of the Digital Festival Hounslow already, I can’t believe that next week is the last week of it. I attended a number of sessions this week…
A great mindfulness session on Wednesday morning, which really set me up for the day and perfectly timed mid week. Just 30 mins of stopping… taking some time out to pause and reflect…
Sports day event this week was throwing socks at cans for 30 seconds and seeing how many you can knock over — I managed 5! Put us to the top of the leader board this week (it won’t last)…
We had a great session on ethics with Socitm this week, where Martin and William went through the work that Socitm had been doing and how we can bring it to life at Hounslow. Some real light bulb moments for colleagues I think and practical things that they will bring into their day to day roles.…
Wednesday evening we had a session with Councillors on Digital Inclusion — we had great attendance, loads of interest and loads of questions — certainly an area close to their hearts — we have a follow up session next week where we are looking at some more solutions to some of the challenges.
Friday saw a session with See.Sense on Intelligent Bike Lights — this was an amazing session — really interesting to see the work they are doing and the data behind their products. Real practical use of data to help shape the built environment — awesome.
One week to go!
In other things this week…
Monday, I attended the Integrated Care Partnership Board — where we are looking at health care provision in Hounslow. I am leading the Digital element and have been involved over the last week and spending a lot of time next week on a tender process for the provision of Digital GP appointments — really exciting to do more in this area.
Had a LOTI all member workshop on Tuesday where we updated on all the work taking place at the moment, lots on! We are working on Innovation in Procurement and leading on bringing this to life with the Housing replacement system. Some exciting times and great opportunities.
Tuesday also saw a Socitm board meeting where we signed off the budget for next year and had some really good discussions about shaping services to our members for the next 12 months.
Thursday I hosted the November Hounslow Leadership Group. We had a theme of innovation as we have launched the Hounslow Innovation Network as part of the Digital festival and we really want to work collectively across the organisation to solve problems and get things done! We started by having 20 minutes of breakout rooms — with no agenda, just to chat to colleagues and meet new people — was a bit worried about this but it worked really well. Will do the same for next months!
Tune of the week: Sia — Chandelie — rhttps://youtu.be/2vjPBrBU-TM