2020 10 09 — Weeknotes
2.38 — back into some running (but not much)…
Got back into some exercise this week having pretty much done nothing last week. Actually got back to the gym and had some really good runs. My challenge will be to keep it up and start to get back outside again next week… My other half is doing Sober for October and somehow he has managed to get me doing it as well, by stealth. But it is good not to have had any alcohol for coming up two weeks now, will certainly try and make it to the end of October!
Annoying weekend though last weekend… I managed to hurt my shoulder, pull the curtains off the wall and break the dishwasher — not all at the same time which is reassuring!
Some highlights of the week…
A week of 1–2–1’s this week, including my own. Nice to properly catch up with the team (and the boss) and check in on what’s going on, how they are and how the team are doing. I think the realisation is clearly with us that we are working at home until March. We need to ensure that we support each other over this time as it really can be hard sometimes, especially if colleagues do not have the best of arrangements at home for working at home. We continue to think about what that Future World of Work looks like as well. I have to take this opportunity to thank the colleagues that are continuing to provide a face to face service (appropriately distanced of course) at Hounslow House — we have 12 new starters in the council starting on Monday!
I am the lead of the Digital Workstream of the Hounslow Integrated Care Partnership for Hounslow, and we kicked it off with a workshop with partners this week. We had digital colleagues from a number of important organisations delivering healthcare in Hounslow.
- Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- NHS NW London
- West London NHS Trust
- CCG/Primary
We spent a good part of the session introducing ourselves and organisations, as well as finding out a bit more about colleagues through our favourite foods or the book we are reading. We then spent some time thinking about the projects and work that we need to bring to life together. Areas included: Data; People and skills; Systems and Connections; #FixThePlumbing and any other ‘Crazy ideas’. We got lots of ideas and information that we now need to work through into a credible plan.
It was really good to attend a number of sessions as part of the Local Gov Camp this week, good to see colleagues and hear what people have been up to. Also great to catch up with Steve O’Connor this week on Wednesday evening and finding out about how things have been going at Kingston and Sutton as well as chewing over a number of projects and ‘stuff’…
Finalised our OKR this week — these set our missions for the year then breaks down quarterly missions and then the key results to deliver them. Really exciting to work through them and will share some of these over the next couple of weeks.
We are holding a Digital Festival in November — what started as a bit of a ‘silly’ throwaway — wouldn’t it be good idea if, type of conversation, has developed into an amazing programme of events for my team, the whole council and the community of Hounslow. The aim is for some learning and development, wellness, to showcase some of the things we are doing and to have some fun. Watch this space.
Good to finish the week with an All Member LOTI workshop as well — always good to hear what is going on, where we are engaged in projects and where we need to do some more work. Lots going on!
Tune of the Week: Captain Sensible — Happy Talk (singalong version) — Now I could just leave that there but I think people may think my music choice is even worse than usual. We were in a meeting talking about being happy and this came into my head — well actually I started to sing it before I realised….