2020 05 22 — Weeknotes
2.20 — back at Hounslow House for an hour at least…
Friday was the funeral of Aman who sadly passed away the other week. It really has been a tough couple of weeks for the team but they have remained incredibly dedicated to his memory by absolutely not missing a beat on the service that we provide.
It was really nice on Friday — work was such a big part of his life, and it was very fitting that, during these times, the family were able to incorporate work into the funeral arrangements. This also gave colleagues a chance to say goodbye.
At about 1130 on Friday a number of colleagues gathered outside Hounslow House, a few to start with but more and more gathered, not just from within the team but from across the council. It was lovely to physically see people who I’d obviously not seen for a while — social distancing at all times but something different about seeing them in the flesh rather than on screen. At about mid-day we lined the street outside Hounslow House, the police stopped the traffic and the funeral procession came past. It wasn’t a solemn affair it was a chance to remember his life — we had about 50 colleagues there and all burst into applause as he went past.
Was lovely. May he rest in peace.
The family has set up a just giving page in memory as well, for an amazing cause. It started with atarget of £2,000 but this was very quickly smashed and is currently approaching double that! — https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/johal-family
It was odd being in Hounslow House, deserted apart from a very small number of staff, including the service desk. Plans are starting to be drawn up to ensure that it is a safe space for work when we start to return to the new normal. Safe to say that it will be a very difference place for the foreseeable future but was nice to be back in Hounslow and nice to be back at Hounslow House — even if it was for a short time. Certainly the furthest I have been for the last couple of months…
Tune of the week: Lou Reed — Perfect Day